Thanks for choosing our chiropractic clinic for your care! We are happy to be your chosen chiropractor for back pain, sciatica, and more.
We recommend arriving 5-10 minutes before your first appointment to complete the required paperwork. Make sure to bring your picture ID and if you're using insurance, bring your insurance card.
Then the chiropractor will review your information and begin the initial exam. The exam will take roughly 20 minutes and consist of questions about your range of motion, neurological exams, orthopedic exams, and more. Then we'll proceed with treatment.
If we feel that we need imaging to properly treat your problems, we'll refer you to a trusted imaging center.
Want to get paperwork done ahead of time? Here are our new patient forms.
Consent to Treat FormHIPAA FormIf you are a new personal injury patient, please fill out this form.
DPA FormWanting to know how health insurance works?
Insurances accepted: We currently accept Blue Cross Blue Shield, Scott & White, and Medicare